Thursday, 30 August 2012


Just another quick update, I spoke to Wayne the SS yesterday and he has organised for us to do the final inspection and settlement on Friday the 7th of September! Really looking forward to it! So providing all goes well at the inspection at 10am, we should be getting the keys to the house at about Midday on the 7th!

I've noticed not really much has happened at the house this week so I guess it will be all systems go over the next week. I've organised for the fencers (same that did the left side last week) to come out and quote for the other 2 sides + a side gate tomorrow afternoon, and will be going to speak to all the places we have layby's waiting about delivering now. Very happy indeed!

Looking out of Garage to Driveway

New side fence on left hand side


  1. very exciting news!! i hope we are not to far behind you..

  2. hi Ian
    Did you get your keys on Friday :-)?

  3. Sorry for the late reply Adrii! Have been very busy and have had a lot of other things going on. Yep we did and this Saturday will be two weeks since we moved in! Very happy indeed, just in the process of sorting out the yards now :)
